Wednesday, August 17, 2011


One of our dogs died yesterday. He was 14. He had been doing quite well, considering how old he was.
Then yesterday morning he had a seizure. Afterwards he was so exhausted that he just laid there for a while. Then he started feeling better, he walked around, ate, and slept. Later that afternoon he had two more seizures. My mom called my dad, they talked and decided it was time to take him to the vet. He was so sick and tired and old. He couldn't move and he was barely conscious. So mom took him. We said our goodbyes, gave him hugs and kisses, and of course cried. We all loved that dog. Even I did, and I'm not a big fan of dogs. But he was a wonderful dog. We will miss him greatly. We'll love him forever.


Valentino 1997-2011

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